Nature Based Art

Welcome to my website - a world of nature and art. The headline is nature and how to encounter nature, what to look for and how to record what you see. I hope to share my own experiences of my own nature journey and how I create my own nature journal. My observations are recorded in pocket size Moleskine Japanese Accordion Sketchbooks. These provide an almost cinematic experience as they unfurl almost like a fern unfurling. I do use other journals too and am currently transferring 8 years worth of these journals into a series of Seawhite of Brighton’s lovely A5 journal sketchbooks.

A typical spread from one of my nature journals.

Each journal I make carries a journey - usually a journey through a three month period - sort of seasonal but not quite. I have decided there is much I cannot change so I am a witness instead. I witness the moving seasons and the changing landscape. There are no rules - the rules are mine to make and break - and the sketches are done for me only.

So much nature to encounter and unfold.

It takes a little time after a complete journal for me to take it in and it is only then that I make paintings from the journals. I work using fountain pen and Noodler’s ink - which I love! Watercolour paints and brush pens add colour. I am not very purest when it comes to adding colour and often end up splashing paint onto the spreads - a bit like dappled light through the trees.

I love to share my love of nature and have a new shop just launched. What I love most is sharing my experience and shortcuts with people and if you check out the workshop page you will see a number of workshops I have completed.

On the events pages there is a list of upcoming workshops which you can book onto.